SUQIA | Professor Peng Wang

Professor Peng Wang (Hong Kong, China)

Professor Wang possesses an impressive track record of achievements in clean water production. For the award, he presented three technologies to produce inexpensive, clean drinking water for small-to-medium-sized communities. This includes a PV-Membrane distillation (PV-MD) technology that uses waste heat from standard PV panels to drive multiple stages of membrane distillation for seawater desalination. The second uses atmospheric water vapour harvesting technology to produce energy-efficient and low-cost clean water in places with limited access to regular water sources. This technology extends to cooling PV panels, with field tests demonstrating that it increases PV panel electricity generation by as much as 19%. The third is a new seawater desalination brine treatment process that has zero liquid discharge (ZLD) and is powered by solar energy.